》Based on the high-speed ARM CPU hardware platform solution and Linux operating system,
it can achieve application functions such as OpenGL and VNC;
》Supports various industrial communication buses such as RS485, RS422, CAN2.0, Ethernet, etc;
》User defined buttons and LED indicator functions;
》Fully independent intellectual property design, mature and stable software and hardware platforms;
》The functional components are complete, with optional options such as enable switches and touch pens,
which can fully meet the application needs of different users;
》Professional ergonomic design, beautiful structure, fully considering humanization in overall layout and design,
providing users with a good operating experience;
》Industrial grade design of the entire machine, high reliability, and compliance with IP65 waterproof grade;
》Anti drop, anti vibration design, with a drop height of 1.2 meters without damage.
》Widely used in industrial environments such as joint robots and truss manipulators